
Welcome,... this website contains information regarding the teachings and practice of Shorinjiryu Karate and Jiu-Jutsu.

Ishino Shorinjiryu Genbukan Karate (石 野 少林寺流 玄 武 館 空 手) is a Japanese/Okinawan style of Karate that was originated by Kaiso Masayoshi Kori Hisataka (also pronounced Seiki Kudaka in the Okinawan language). Kaiso Hisataka had the opportunity to train and exchange with many influential karate-ka of the early 1900's, but mostly under the legendary, Chotoku Kyan. After World War 2, Kaiso Hisataka returned home to Japan and founded Shorinjiryu Kenkokan Karate ( 少林寺流拳行館 空 手) after a life-long study of the martial arts. One way that Kaiso Hisataka's Shorinjiryu karate differentiates itself from other forms of karate is through the use of it's distinctive trademark, the vertical fist.

One of his original students was Shihan Shigeru Ishino, who came to Canada to assist with the Shorinjiryu Kenkokan Karate dojo operations in the province of Quebec. Shihan Ishino eventually formed the Ishino Shorinjiryu Genbukan Karate Federation some years after the passing of Kaiso Hisataka.

The Club Chief Instructor is Sensei Leroy Throop who has taught Shorinjiryu Karate in and near the city of Kingston, Ontario, Canada, since the late 1970s.

We are very open and honest, as we have no hidden agendas. We have nothing to prove to anyone but ourselves. Our sole aim and purpose is to practice martial arts as it was taught to us, and to continue to learn and to develop our knowledge. Almost all the proceeds go back into the dojo for the benefit of all.

We hope you find the website informative.

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Leroy Throop Martial Arts Studio
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